

The project aims at developing youth-targeted services in accordance with preferences and needs identified by young people.

Sequenza temporale


The overall goal of the project is to develop services relevant to young people of Samotia. For this purpose, our center will socilit feedback from local young people and other stakeholders and lead to the developmnent of youth programs and projects. The process of solicitation will be coordinated through a series of offline activities and OPIN plaftform. The offline activities of the project include capacity-building and coordination meetings which will be followed by the dissamination of the idea collection and voting event carried out via OPIN. As the result, our center initiate servieces based on the ideas and voting results obtained during the project.  

Grazie per aver partecipato!

Questo progetto è già finito. Grazie mille a tutti per aver preso parte al progetto!

Generator of Ideas

All young people are invited to share their ideas what kind of activities / services they want to see at our youth center.

The project is envisioned to increase the level of youth participation, improve the quality of existing services and deliver tailor-made services. As the result, local youth and all interested parties will build a capacity for using e-participatory tools as to apply to their contexts.