
GaYA: Do you have questions?

Please let us know what you still want to know about OPIN. Describe your question as good as possible. We will try to answer them in the last 15 minutes of the session.

Sequenza temporale


This process aims at gathering the open questions concerning the platform It is, thus, the basis for providing a good understanding of this youth eParticipation tool.

Contatto per domande

Grazie per aver partecipato!

Questo progetto è già finito. Grazie mille a tutti per aver preso parte al progetto!

Enter your questions

The questions that you enter here will be the basis for the last part of the session in which we will discuss open questions.

We will gather the questions and try to answer them within the last part of the session. If there is not enough time to answer all of the questions please do not hestitat and contact us. The email address is:

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