OOPIN Elba Proposta puntuale OPIN Elba Proposta puntuale OPIN Elba Proposta puntuale
For the Treepolis General Assembly 2017 we want you to develop and create the program and the agenda of the GA.
Hier kann der Text für Alleinstellungsmerkmale von OPIN.me als Produkt kommentiert werden.
Zbiramo ideje, kje bi organizirali naš zaključni piknik.
V projektu oživitve kulturnega doma zbiramo ideje za dogajanje v kulturnem domu.
Was ist Phase
80 Pupils from Three School Classes Form the Science Parliament at "Pimp My Ocean!" Together, no matter what kind of school they visit, sink into roles of city councils. During the simulation, the st…
European playground planning with OPIN
Contribution à la pol pub
Mobility policy paper
Point of the project is to gather as much input about youth unemployment from the people it concerns as possible.
Gather ideas for youth unemployment policy