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Cherryville, Francija

Youth Department Cherryville

The Youth Department Cherryville has a mission to activate young people to get involved in creation of their own environment.

Kutaisi/Tbilis, Gruzija

Youth Horizon


Villabuena, Španija

Youth Office Villabuena

The Youth Office works under the City Council of Villabuena. It is responsible for all youth affairs, programmes and services. Most of all it advises the Council on young people's opinions / needs so…

Ljubljana, Slovenija

Youth Parliament - eParticipation of Young for Brighter Future

Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije izvaja program Otroški parlament že od leta 1990. Namenjen je otrokom in mladim, da lahko spregovorijo o stvareh, ki jih zanimajo, o njih želijo izvedeti več, itd.…