
Imagine a youth space replacing the old shopping mall

The City Council gives you the opportunity to decide what the new space should be.



As the old shopping mall was torn down the City Council is going to build something new in its place. So you are invited to decide what should be built in the place of the old shopping mall. Register on OPIN platform and give us your ideas whilst voting for the best ones.

Timeline: 20-25/03/17

Contact person: Petra from Slovenia

Moderator: Ria from Cyprus

The best ideas will be handed over to the City Council to choose which one they will include in the Urban Development Plan.


Danke für deine Teilnahme!

Dieses Projekt ist bereits vorbei. Vielen Dank, an alle, die mitgemacht haben.

Collecting Ideas

Give us your ideas about a new place you want to see at the plot of the old shopping mall.

Die Initiator*innen haben noch keine Informationen zu den erwarteten Ergebnissen des Projekts bereit gestellt.