1. Respectful interaction
The same rules of conduct apply in a virtual situation as do in everyday life. Mutual respect is a given, regardless whether you are communicating face to face or in a virtual setting. The right to free expression remains inviolable.
2. Illegal, unethical and inappropriate content
Illegal, unethical and inappropriate content is not tolerated; this includes pornogpahic, right-extremist, racist, discriminatory, sexist, violent and anti-semitic content.
3. Irresponsible behaviours
The encouragement or promotion for irresponsible, harmful, violent, illegal or otherwise unethical action will not be tolerated will result in an expulsion from the community.
4. Critique
Constructive criticism is encouraged. However, this does not mean that insults, slander and threats are applauded or tolerated. Aim to remain as objective and constructive as possible. Every user has the right to voice their critique. Give your counterpart the opportunity to respond to your opinion.
5. Communication
The purpose of this platform is to encourage an open conversation between its members. The platform thrives from active participation among its members. Within this context, the software allows all to voice their opinions, this includes opinions you might not agree with. However, this does not imply that it is within everyone's right to insult, harm or vilify another. Proofread your contributions, and be aware that irony and sarcasm are not well communicated in writing. Grave misunderstandings can result from relativley simple misunderstandings. Please be mindful of your contributions.
6. Netiquette
Courtesy and netiquette are expected of each member using the platform. An ethically appropriate and friendly conduct is a given, patronizing or belittling comments are strongly discouraged. Content is judged by its quality and not its origin.
7. Confidentiality
Bear in mind that Opin.me is a public website. Information you divulge will be publicly acessible. Confidental or personal details are best kept private or relegated to personal discussions on another channel. Please be reminded that your political opinions and actions online have consequences in the offline world. For your own protection we recommend the use of pseudonym.
We thank Eveline Marti for lending us her guidelines to draft this codex.