Take part in a project


Decorating the youth cafe

To get the young people to come up with new ideas on how to make the youth cafe more "youth friendly"


Ideas for Halloween 2020

As you know every year, in October, at Youth.Inc we organise a Halloween Activity. This year we'd like young people to share ideas what should be organised during Halloween.


Legalising Marijuana in Malta

The Government will soon start debating the issue of legalising Marijuana in Malta. As Agenzija Zghazagh we believe that the opinion of young people should be considered when discussing this matter. …


Meeting with Youth.Inc Manager to discuss the youth.inc programme.

All the youth.inc youth council will be meeting with the youth.inc manager to discuss the youth.inc programme. You are invited to set the agenda of the meeting.


Mission statement for the youth cafe - Suggestions

The aim of this project is to engage the young people, so that they feel confident to propose various ideas and phrases to use as an appropriate mission statement that demonstrates the values and eth…


New activities in the youth cafe! :)

To gather different ideas for activities to be implemented during the youth cafe to cater for a variety of young peoples wants and needs.


New Skate Park location - Suggestions

The aim of this project is to encourage the young people to decide and put forward their suggestions for where they would like to see a skate park opened in Malta.


Open Air Cinema - Suggest best location

AZ@K is planning to host an open air cinema night for all young people. We are still looking for an area in Kottonera where this can take place.


Set you agenda to meet with head of school?

Agenzija Zghazagh at Gozo wants to hold a discussion with the head of school about issues that concerns you as students.


Talent Show Ideas

Gather information about the Talent Show Event to engage young people in the prep work.