
Turn Krefeld into a beautiful City

Seeking for the best ideas for destroying and re-building of the "Chemnitz of the West".

Времева линия


Welcome you unhappy Inhabitants of Krefeld,

here´s your chance: bring in your most creative, extensive and ruthless ideas for the re-modelling of our city. Make it a better place. The three best ideas will win. And you will even be given a small incentive: a ride with a brand new Liebherr excavator.

Start of project: asap

End of project: take your time.

Adressee: City Administration (still needs to be informed).

Come on, we can do this better. So, roll up your sleeve´s and post!

Благодаря за участието!

Този проект вече е приключил. Благодаря много на всички за участието в проекта!

Re-Build Krefeld

Bring in your most creative, extensive and ruthless ideas for the re-modelling of our city. The 3 best ideas will winn!

The result will be REALLY beautiful. Sweet.

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